

Prof. Dr. Wang Zhaokui has been working in Tsinghua University since 2009 in the field of distributed space systems, system engineering of space scientific satellite and aerospace intelligence. He is the head of the Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, the founder and director of the Distributed and intelligent Spacecraft System Lab (DSSL). He is the designer-in-chief of Tsinghua Scientific Satellite, a nanosatellite for atmospheric density and the gravity field research,launched in Aug 6, 2020 . He receives Ph.D. and B.S. degree in aerospace engineering from the National University of Defense Technology (China).

Prof. Dr. Wang is a member of expert panels for National High-Tech R&D Program of China (863 Program), and he is also in the expert advisory group for many projects being demonstrated in China, such as deep space exploration, lunar exploration, on-orbit servicing. He is a council member of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Member of SUAC(Space University Administrative Committee). Member of AIAA, Member of IEEE.

Prof. Dr. Wang has been director of more than 20 programs funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China, 863 Program etc. He is an editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Astronautics, Space: Science and Technology,and has served as a program member of the IAA Scitech Forum many times (2018,2019,2020). He has authored or co-authored more than 100 journal articles and conference papers. He has authored one textbook and co-authored two. Prof. Dr. Wang holds more than 20 patents in China and one patent in USA.

Concurrent Academic

Dr. Wang is a member of expert panels for National High-Tech R&D Program of China (863 Program), and he is also in the expert advisory group for many projects being demonstrated in China, such as deep space exploration, lunar exploration, on-orbit servicing. He is a council member of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Member of SUAC(Space University Administrative Committee) of IAF(International Federation of Astronautics) , Member of IEEE.

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Dynamics and Control of Distributed Space Systems

Gravity Field Measurement based on Inner Formation Satellite

Collaborative Formation Control based on Artificial Intelligence

Research Status

Dr. Wang's current research aims at small satellite of scientific exploration and enabling technology of distributed space systems. His efforts lie at the intersection of advanced astrodynamics, space mission analysis and design, and multiagent control of spacecraft swarm to meet the tight requirements posed by these novel space architectures. The most recent mission concept developed by Dr. Wang is a personal assistant satellite program for astronauts in Chinese Space Station.

Honors And Awards

Dr. Wang has been director of more than 10 programs funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China, 863 Program etc. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 journal articles and conference papers. He has authored one textbook and co-authored two. Dr. Wang holds more than 20 patents in China and one patent in USA. He is honored Elsevier outstanding reviewer in 2014.

Academic Achievement

Journal articles:

1. Wang Zhaokui, Hou Zhendong, Zhang Yulin. Improvement of the Long-Term Orbit Prediction for LEO Navigation Satellites Using the Inner-Formation Method [J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2019.01.012.

2. Wang Zhaokui, Xu Yun, Jiang Chao, Zhang Yulin. Self-organizing control for satellite clusters using artificial potential function in terms of relative orbital elements [J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 84(2019): 799–811.

3. Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Acquirement of Pure Gravity Orbit Using Precise Formation Flying Technology [J]. Acta Astronautica 82(2013), pp124-128.

4. Zhang Yulin, Wang Zhaokui. Space Traffic Safety Management and Control [J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 17(2016) 1189-1192.

5. Zhang Rui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A person-following nanosatellite for in-cabin astronaut assistance: System design and deep-learning-based astronaut visual tracking implementation [J]. Acta Astronautica. 162 (2019): 121–134.

6. Zhao Zeyang, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A Spherical Micro Satellite Design and Detection Method for Upper Atmospheric Density Estimation [J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019.

7. Cheng Zilong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Analysis and Optimization of Lunar Exploration Architecture Based on Reusable Human Spacecraft [J]. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2018, 56(3): 910-918.

8. Zhang, Binbin, Z. Wang, and Y. Zhang. Collision risk investigation for an operational spacecraft caused by space debris [J]. Astrophysics & Space Science 362.4(2017):71

9. An Meiyan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Self-organizing control strategy for asteroid intelligent detection swarm based on attraction and repulsion [J]. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 130:84-96.

10. Wei ZHENG, Zhaokui WANG, Yanwei DING, Zhaowei LI. Accurate Establishment of Error Models for the Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Recovery and Requirements Analysis for the Future GOCE Follow-On Mission [J]. Acta Geophysica, vol. 64, no. 3, June 2016, pp. 732-754.

11. Zhang Binbin, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. An analytic method of space debris cloud evolution and its collision evaluation for constellation satellites [J]. Advances in Space Research, 2016, 58(6):903-913.

12. Taibo Li,Junhua Xiang,Zhaokui Wang,Yulin Zhang. Circular revisit orbits design for responsive mission over a single target [J]. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 127:219-225.

13. Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. Position determination and measurement error analysis for the spherical proof mass with optical shadow sensing [J]. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 126:215-228.

14. Jiang C, Wang Z, Zhang Y. Development of the new approach of formation initialization using spring separation mechanism considering J2 perturbation [J]. Advances in Space Research, 2015, 55(11):2616-2627.

15. Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and Analysis of the Bounds of Periodical Satellite Relative Motion [J]. Journal of Guidance Control & Dynamics, 2015, 37(6):1984-1998.

16. Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and Analysis of Relative Hovering Control for Spacecraft [J]. Journal of Guidance Control & Dynamics, 2014, 37(4):1091-1102.

17. Liu Hongwei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and analysis of Earth's gravity field measurement performance by Inner-Formation flying system [J]. Advances in Space Research,52,2013,pp451-465.

18. Gu Zhenfeng, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Compensation of gravitational attraction disturbance to pure gravity orbit for Inner Formation Flying System [J]. Acta Astronautica, 2012,81(2):635-644.

19. Liu Hongwei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A signal-strength model for gravity-field spectrum components in a local space [J]. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 2012, 55(5): 1017-1026.

20. Liu H W, Wang Z K, Zhang Y L. Coupled modeling and analysis of radiometer effect and residual gas damping on proof mass impurely gravitational orbit [J]. Sci China Tech Sci, (2011)54, 894-902.

conference papers:

1. Xu Yun, Wang Zhaokui. Orbit Determination for Micro Satellite in Cislunar Space Based on Machine Vision[C]. 4th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Changsha, China, 2018.

2. Zhang Rui, Wang Zhaokui, An Intelligent Nano-satellite for Astronaut Assistance. The 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, Oct 1-5, 2018.

3. Wang Zhaokui, Zhao Zeyang, Zhang Yulin. Tsinghua Scientific Satellite. The Mission Overview and Recent Progress in Development, Berlin, Germany, Apr 24-28, 2017.

4. He Yunhan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yunlin. Design of an Integrated Full-view-field Sun Sensor Used for BallSat [C]. 11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, April 24-28, 2017.

5. Cheng Zilong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Architecture Design and Analysis of a Reusable Cislunar Transportation System from LEO Space Station. 68th International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide, Australia, Sep 25-29, 2017.

6. Wang Zhaokui,Gao Yongfei,Zhang Yulin. Cislunar Transfer Orbit Design for Nanosats. 67th IAC, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2016.

7. Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui, Yang Xuerong, Zhang Yulin. Study of On-Orbit Separation Schemes for Configuration Initialization of Fractionated Spacecraft Cluster. Proceedings of the 1st IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Volume 145 of the Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Porto, Portugal, Mar19-21, 2012: 1436-1448.

8. Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Precision Formation Control for Inner-Formation Gravity Field Measurement Application[C]. 8th International Symposium of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Berlin, April 4-8, 2011.

9. WANG Zhaokui, ZHANG Yulin. Acquirement of Pure Gravity Orbit Using Precision Formation Flying Technology[C]. 6th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, Taipei, Taiwan, November 1~3, 2010(CPCI-S: 000312629000015)

10. Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A Novel Concept of Satellite Gravity Field Measurement System Using Precision Formation Flying Technology[C]. The 3rd CSA-IAA Conference on Advanced Space Systems and Applications -Satellite Applications and Applied Satellites, Shanghai, China. 2008.11.
